Speakout 8/24

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I would like to respond to the Aug. 16 editorial about farm subsidies. The way the subsidies were set up was to make agricultural prices more even across the board. For example, the soybean market last year was in the $8 range and today we have $5.50 soybeans. The idea was to keep a more uniform market across the board. It's not a hand out and it's not free money. The public needs to be aware of this. It's not just a "gimme-type" program.

I agree with the caller who talked about the Caterpillar Company. They treat their employees well. But the employees are greedy. The more they get, the more they want. That's why our jobs are going overseas. It's not the President. It's the union.

What does the law say about not having dogs in a business that sells food? There is a place around town that has a dog running around the dining area and the food preparation area. This is not sanitary.

Call your county health department.

Your paper has had several stories about how grand juries have been involved in catching drug dealers. Could you explain what is a grand jury and how does a grand jury get started?

According to Mississippi County Prosecutor Jennifer B. Raffety, a grand jury as defined by the Missouri State Constitution is a group of 12 people invested with the authority to investigate and return indictments for crimes committed in their jurisdiction. They determine if probable cause exists to initiate prosecution and to return indictments on people if probable cause exists to believe a particular person has committed the crime. Raffety said probable cause is "more likely than not," a lower standard of proof than "beyond a reasonable doubt" which is required for conviction. A grand jury is convened at the direction of the circuit judge. In most cases its usually a law enforcement agency or prosecuting attorney that asks the judge to convene a grand jury. The term for a grand jury is set by the circuit court and can be as short as a single day and can last up to six months.

This is to the two ladies and little girl who gave my daughter a Care Bear movie in the checkout line at Wal-Mart the other night. I want to thank you. You have helped teach my family a very important lesson.