Speakout 2/2

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

I read "Ready to sell" in SpeakOut where someone has a flute to sell. Call me at (573) 649-9309.

I would like to SpeakOut abut the slander everyone is doing to the new Scott County sheriff. I think it's sad that they would do this. I mean, look at how much he is cleaning the county so far and, as far as the cars and inmates' clothing goes, I don't see him putting his name on them like our former sheriff. I have met Rick Walter and I think he is a hell of a guy and I feel that he will do a good job. What I think the problem is, is that all these people are griping because they are not covered by the "good buddy" system now and that Rick is here to get the job done.

Does anyone know who I can call to get a house torn down and removed for a reasonable price. If so, please put the contact information in the paper.

I would like to find out what the city is going to do about the blackbird problem in the city limits. Just go out and look at the trees at the South Point Mall parking lot. In that area there are bird droppings around the trees in very large and unsafe amounts. Just think about what disease and germs are under those trees. I know the city is trying to do something about the birds but it is not working. Birds are not afraid of a loud noise anymore; it just startles them. I would like to tell the city and all its citizens about something my family has found. A loud bang with a burst of light will run all the blackbirds away. A bird needs something it can see to startle it, and that will run it away, and the best thing for that is a roman candle. They are cheap and they work and can be used very safely. We used roman candles about two weeks ago and ran all the bird away. They have not returned, so for around $20 you could do the same thing. I think the city should let people use roman candles and not get a ticket. As long as you are safe, nothing will happen. At least the area will be cleaner and safer for you and your children.

I've been using a 12 gauge shotgun.. That seems to work pretty good too. But for those of you who live in the middle of town, roman candles should be just as effective. Thanks for the info!

This is to the Post Office. Please do something about the late, after-dark mail delivery on Lindenwood, Tanglewood, Thornwood, Laurelwood, etc. This ridiculous. We have to go out after dark to get our mail, which is dangerous, inconvenient and unethical. Mail is being dropped on the ground by the carrier, who cannot see after dark and we are also getting mail that belongs to our neighbors. It's a mess and bills are also being lost. Please do something. Many of us are angry about this and are thinking about writing letters to the higher-ups.