Speakout 11/17

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I read where Mike said that people not cleaning up their property should spend some time in jail. What about the business owners who let their business property get in bad shape? Put them in jail, or better yet, put the ones who are supposed to enforce the law in jail. Then no one will be excluded. I personally know of one business that is. They have been reported twice and still nothing has been done, and probably never will. Once again, Sikeston has proven to me that it is who you are if you have to abide by the rules. I wait for the city to prove me wrong. Don't tell me to call the city. I have twice. You might as well talk to the walls in your house. You'll get a better answer than you get from the great City of Sikeston.

Call the publisher with the store's name.

I haven't seen my daughter for several days and hope you will print this. "Sissy," this is for you. I don't know where you're at. I assume you're OK because I haven't heard anything. I pray to God you are. I don't know what's going on with you but there's not a thing in this world that you could ever do that would stop me from loving you. You know where I am, Baby. Please get in touch with me. It doesn't matter how old you are, you will always be our baby. That never changes for parents. So please at least call. I love you.

I'm watching the news where our boys are over there fighting like crazy. I wonder how George W. Bush can sleep at night. Why doesn't he go over there and get his head sliced off? How can anybody tolerate this man? He's a hypocrite, a thief and liar and I can't think of anything bad enough to say about him. I don't know how in the world - I know - money, money, money got him elected. Yeah, right.

To the moron who called about gays and lesbians and said they are the only ones who voted for John Kerry. I voted for Kerry and I'm proud of it. He may have not won this time, but I have news for you. Not everybody who is gay did vote for him. Why don't you get a life and let it go? Bush got in, so whoop-di-do.

People who smoke cigarettes are stupid. Tell me one benefit of smoking cigarettes.

I am calling about the schools and how important it is for the children to wash their hands, especially with the flu season coming on. If the teachers have to, they could use anti-bacteria liquid soap in the dispensers. Daycares should also do this. This could help since there are so many germs in the schools.

Thank you ABC for that uncut version of "Saving Private Ryan." I can't tell you how bad I feel about displaying such small petty comments in SpeakOut over the years after seeing the hardship that thousands if not millions of American soldiers endured in that war and every other war, including the war that was fought to start this great country. We should all be ashamed of the insignificant complaints that we all have expressed and just be thankful for the freedom that has been given us and continues to be given to us by the American soldier. God bless our troops. And please support our President.

Regardless of who is in the Oval Office, the President does not control gas prices or unemployment. The economy is good now and unemployment is low nationwide. If you're so worried about gas prices, you should support drilling for oil in our own country. I'm sick of people whining about things they don't have a clue about and don't make an effort to understand. There will never be 100 percent employment; it is just not possible.