Letter to the Editor

Your View

Monday, September 17, 2001

Gov. Bob Holden should be commended for appointing Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell to chair a 15-member bipartisan task force to hold public hearings to address the costly prescription drugs for senior citizens.

The past legislative session failed to pass legislation that would assist senior citizens in the purchase of prescription drugs. The governor, recognizing that time is of the essence for such legislation, appointed the task force to make recommendations that will provide a blueprint for legislation to be considered during a special session he will call in September.

Affordable prescription drug coverage for senior citizens is not a partisan issue, nor should it be treated as such. The plight of seniors faced with high costs relative to their incomes is a real problem in Missouri as well as the nation and deserves consideration and action from both parties. The governor should be applauded for addressing the issue and those who express otherwise need to provide solutions instead of treating prescription drugs for seniors as a partisan issue, particularly those who are members of the legislature.

As a senior citizen living on a very small income and not being able to work, I know just how very difficult it is. I understand that it's usually January when prescription drugs take a huge leap in price and this coming January, I will have to drop off some of my medications because I am maxed out now. An increase will mean I can no longer pay for some of my medications.

Name withheld by request