Speakout 11/18

Monday, November 19, 2001

I wonder if Bill Green with the City of Sikeston could explain why Sikeston needs 400 to 700 tons of salt when the county only needs 50 to 60. Couldn't we do like other places and use sand and cinders and get away from so much salt and the expense? Or do we have to do things this way because we've always done it that way?

We contacted Director of Public Works Tom Bridger with your question. "No. we haven't always done it this way. The city used to use a mixture of sand and salt. This combination was very ineffective and the sand mess that had to be cleaned up after a winter weather event led into a lot more man hours in addition to the snow plows and related labor. It took longer to do it this way and cost the city more money. For the last six or seven years, we went to straight salt just like the state does. We get a lot better melt a lot quicker and are able to clean the street a lot quicker. The locations we put the salt down on are not residential streets, they are primary and secondary streets. If you use these roads in bad weather you can still get through town and in and out of town and you're not home bound. The residential streets are the last thing we break into."

Does anybody know where we can get a New York City Fire Department or Police Department hat? Please leave the information in SpeakOut.

You can visit www.eagleemblems.com on the Internet or call toll-free (877) 262-9673. The website shows a variety of items available. However, memorial shirts or patches are not being made at this time. "There are still 300 brother firefighters buried under the rubble. Out of respect to the firefighters and their families, we will not manufacture any World Trade Center memorial items until all members are accounted for."

I would like to know how all the school coaches in this area get by with all the things they do. They cuss and say things to the kids that should never be said to anyone, much less kids. I've even heard that one coach stands with a paddle and swats his players each time they miss a basket. How juvenile can you get? Where are school officials and school boards when this happens? What would happen to teachers if they did this in the classroom? It is a sad world when people would rather have their school known for having a good and winning basketball team instead of a good academic record.

I was very disappointed with your choice of news on Nov. 12. On the front page there as a picture of a World War II veteran receiving a medal. Adjoining it was a big article about the cost of the war. When only 25 veterans from four counties claimed their medals, that should tell you we did not count the cost in dollars. Why don't you tell us how much we spend for young girls to have babies and collect aid to dependent children? Get your priorities where they should be.

I would like to buy a small peek-a-poo house dog. If anyone in the area sells this breed please put your information in the paper.

We invite anyone who has pets for sale to place an ad in the classified section of the Standard Democrat.