SpeakOut 10/14

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Call 471-6636

On Oct. 5 two young boys were traveling from Texas back to Indiana when their truck broke down on the Interstate. They were towed in to O'Reilly Auto Parts in Sikeston. They needed a part pressed on and no shops were open, but Don Holman from Holman's Auto Repair in Miner was in the store with his wife. Knowing no shops were open, he volunteered to open his shop and do the repair for free. This enabled the boys to get back on their way home. Holman's reasoning was that if this happened to his son, he would want someone to help him as well. We are lucky to have people like this in our community. Thank you for letting me submit this SpeakOut article. - Don Beck, O'Reilly Auto Parts

I noticed that Sikeston DPS Chief Juden said it is illegal for people to drive electric scooters on the streets in Sikeston. I live in Miner and wanted to know if it is also illegal in Miner. Kids ride them on the streets in Miner.

We called Miner Police Chief Roger Moore with your question. "Miner does not have an ordinance concerning electric scooters at this time to prevent people from riding them on city streets in residential areas. However if they are being ridden on state or interstate highways, police would probably escort them off the highways (violators on the interstate highway would probably be issued a ticket). It's too dangerous for scooters to even get onto highways to get to another road."

This question is for the owners of Garden of Memories Cemetery and Forest Hills Memorial Gardens near Morley. Why can they keep the one in Morley mowed and nice and clean but they can't keep the one in Sikeston mowed and trimmed around the markers? They own both cemeteries. I know you'll say to call the company about the problem, but that doesn't do any good because you can't get anyone to answer your question.

I can't believe the American people would elect a foreigner to be governor of one of our states of America. For him to admit openly to immoral actions and for the lapped him up like a dog, when just a few years ago we had a good president and billions of dollars were wasted just to study his character. Such a waste. When money could have been spent on the poor in the United States, also farmers need to be subsidized. Our public as a whole is stupid to put up with a Bush who is as crazy as they come. He has accomplished nothing since he came into office but spend money bombing other countries and killing off good men, and most with families. And for what?

To the person looking for someone to rake their yard in Morehouse, call me at 667-5486.

I heard something that has really disturbed me and some friends of mine are concerned about it, too. We have been told that children in grade schools are not allowed to talk to each other during lunch. I have two children who aren't in school yet, but they will be soon. This is ridiculous. I'm sure the teachers are talking during lunch. If there's a problem with the kids not eating their lunch, they should take away their recess. As far as while they're in the lunchroom, they should be allowed to talk to each other, just like I did when I was in school.