Speakout 1/27

Friday, January 27, 2006

Would the man that bought the metal shelf from the White Elephant please return it? It wasn't for sale.

We do need more jobs here in Sikeston, but we also need good, competitive banks to finance new businesses to provide those jobs. I personally welcome the new bank and the advancement they made in purchasing a vacant building in a growing area in Sikeston. We need to get every empty building filled with new businesses and keep Sikeston growing stronger.

Good evening. I just got finished watching the KFVS news and I am not very happy at all with Mr. Blunt and his so-called Republicans. I think that's terrible that they are gonna give all the money to the schools this year and cut Medicaid and Medicare for these poor, helpless older people who are trying to make a living and pay their high gas bills and also paying their medicine bills. Some of them are going to have to choose one or the other. I'd like to know how come he is giving this to these schools. These teachers are making enough for what they do. They have teacher's aides that do their work and they can sit in the lounge and drink coffee and discuss other students on our time and tax money. These old people that paid the taxes years ago are the ones doing the suffering and I don't think that's a bit right. I feel like the older people should get their Medicaid and Medicare because they have paid their taxes years ago that have kept all these schools going. Now when they're old, they can't even have a decent living. I think Blunt better re-look it again and cut the taxes for the schools and give it to the old people.

I used to live at 134 Cardinal Street and a man came by and gave me a lift chair about four years ago and I gave him a hospital bed. I am trying to get hold of him to tell him how much I appreciated the chair. It really worked good until it stopped working awhile back. My number is 481-1134. I would like for him to call me if he sees this in SpeakOut.

I would just like to say that I agree with the comment Michael Jensen made on the double standard on racial comments. Bravo for saying so. I hope that goes on to the national news.