Monday, June 24, 2013

You play, you pay

We are wondering how long the state is going to keep carrying these mothers with 5 and 6 kids with 5 or 6 different fathers. Hey, we taxpayers are getting tired of carrying all these kids and letting the daddies get by and not have to pay child support. It is not the taxpayers' responsibility to have to take care of others' kids, only to take care of their own. It's time for Nixon to draw the line on these food stamps for young people, these live-ins and also the Medicaid for all these young women having all these kids. Years ago, mothers and fathers had to pay for their own kids. I don't feel like the taxpayers should have to do this. I feel if the daddies have time to get them pregnant, then they have the time to go to work and do something about this problem.