Sunday, September 1, 2013

It's just emotions

Obama has realized that the way for him to get the results he wants is to pitch his message on an emotional rather than an intellectual level and gear it to the least informed of the audience. His message is driven home by endless repetition. He's always against the rich, who by the way financed his run for office two times.

Learn to observe

About July 25, 2013, was an article on the front page of the Standard Democrat about a truck accident in Cape on I-55. The truck burned to some extent and the driver died. The reporter made a dumb observation of the scene. She wrote, "The semi appeared to have been towing a tractor-trailer with a 'flammable' placard on it. It was not clear whether flammable materials were on the trailer during the crash." The answer is simple. . . Yes, there was flammable material on the trailer. How do I know? The trailer was placarded. If you haul any hazmat in certain quantities you have to have placards displayed on all four sides of the truck. If you fail to placard the truck, the fine is between $10,000 and $15,000. If you deliver a hazmat load and fail to remove the placards to take away the threat of danger, the fine is just as bad. No driver wants that fine.

The article you are referring to was picked up by the Standard Democrat from SEMO News Service.

Just pray

This is to all the people that's concerned about racism and all the violence and everything else. We all need to get on our knees and pray to God because our country is coming up to terrorize. Everybody just needs to get down on their knees and just pray to God. God bless you and have a nice day.