Saturday, October 5, 2013

We need Obamacare

Well, I see where our old friend Jason Smith, our Eighth District representative, is against Obamacare. He says his constituents are against it. How surprising! Jason Smith doesn't need Obamacare because he has his own healthcare system. There are thousands of people in Southeast Missouri that don't have healthcare and they need Obamacare. Of course, Jason Smith doesn't need it, but there are thousands of people in Southeast Missouri that do need it. He has no need for something he can afford. He is a businessman and a farmer with a good income. Of course he doesn't need it.

Everybody's beautiful

On Oct. 26, at 10 o'clock at the Jackson Middle School, there will be a second annual Beautiful Blessings pageant for any disabled child from birth to young adult. This is a pageant to celebrate the beauty in everyone, and there are no overall winners and definitely no losers. We are asking for sponsors from the whole southeast region and contestants from the whole southeast area. Please contact Danielle at 573-225-8364 if you are interested in sponsoring or being a contestant.

Where's the sign?

I know that Ables Road extends east all the way to Miner AA. Why isn't there an Ables Road sign there that says it's Ables Road? Did there used to be one there and it got lost? Who's responsibility is it to put one there?