
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Read this loud and clear

Listed here are some of the books recommended by the Common Core as reading material for our children. Parents should be screaming at our school board to get Common Core removed from our school system. "The Bluest Eyes" is an explicit depiction of rape, incest, sexual violence and pedophilia. The novel is written with sympathy for the pedophile. Written by Toni Morrison, she defends her character and wrote the story so the reader becomes a co-conspirator with the pedophile. She took pains to make sure she never portrayed the actions as wrong in order to show how everyone has their own problems. She even goes so far as to describe the pedophilia rape and incest as friendly, innocent and tender. It goes into graphic detail to describe the pedophile's sexual feelings as he rapes the child (who faints). "Dreaming in Cuban" by Cristina Garcia includes teen sadomasochism passages (or violent sex among teens) for 15-year-olds. "Black Swan Green" features a 13-year-old boy as narrator as he describes his father's genitals and a sex act. "The Family Book" and "Who's in a Family" for first graders shows pictures of homosexual pairs. "Make Lemonade" for middle school has sexually explicit language and content. Is this really the kind of books our children should be encouraged to read?

Money going up in smoke

Many people don't realize that Missouri has one of the lowest cigarette taxes in the nation. Because tobacco companies have a lot of money, they lobby legislatures. Seldom do we discuss the fact that our state leaves $70 million a year on the table each year, money that our state should use for public schools, our children, our senior, roads and infrastructures. We are the only state in the United States which has failed to pass legislation that would let Missouri have all the money set aside for our state that the tobacco companies settled with a lawsuit back in 1998. So in addition to the millions we have already lost because of uninformed or uninterested legislature, we will continue to lose several billion dollars in the future if this topic isn't addressed.

Don't pick up

Received a telephone call from a Mr. John Williams, at telephone number 1-518-772-5385. He claimed to be from Publishers Clearing House and that I was selected by computer to have won second prize of $2,500,000, plus $5,000 weekly for life. As he talked, I was certain that this was a scam, even though he kept denying it. When he asked for money to cover administrative fees, I was then certain that this was a very good scam. I hung up on him at this time. You may want to check into this further to see what legal action your company could take.

I received a similar call, and they wanted me to call a number that was supposedly the driver of the Clearing House truck that was in the area and wanted directions to my house. The number was in Jamaica and the cost to call there was $2.80 per minute. If you receive a call from a number you don't recognize, best course of action is don't answer it. If it's a legitimate call of any real importance, they will leave a message.

No freedom of choice

Obamacare is taking away our freedom of choices. We want to choose for ourselves the doctors and insurance that we think is best for our families that we can afford. Obama is not a president. He is more like a dictator that makes the laws without Congress. Jimmy Carter was the worst president ever, but he just lost that honor. He has been replaced by Obama. The Democrats did an all-nighter to talk about climate warming. I bet all that hot air in the Senate chamber added to the warming effect. That is probably what melted all the ice and snow.

I want that job

Man, I'll tell you one thing, I wish my job was like the ones they have at the Social Security. They open for a couple of hours one day, close at noon on Wednesday. Open a few hours and then close again. Man, I wish I could work like that. Came up here at 12:30 Wednesday and I bet four cars pulled in there and then had to back out. That's a shame. Man, I wish I had a job like that.

The right to work

The right to work proposal being considered under Missouri legislature is a dangerous fraud and a farce. As Missouri citizens, we all have a right to seek employment and to work. With the right to work law, we would continue to work for less money and fewer benefits that we already have. Individual safety and individual rights and protection would be eliminated. That's a good deal for employers but a sharp stick in the eye for employees. Who's pushing for the right to work - out of state interests, huge corporations, secret business organizations that have wined and dined and bought our key leaders and our state government. None of these leaders have our best interests at heart for the workers of Missouri. If they really want to do their jobs as productive politicians, then do something genuinely useful and create jobs. We the citizens of Missouri are not clamoring for the right to work law. We want and need good jobs in our state, not a dangerous situation that poisons our legislature by big money and donations to political proffers.

Yes indeed, some of us are clamoring for right to work legislation. You hit the union talking points but missed the reality.

Obama mama

I just saw on the news where Miss Obama is going to go to China. She's not going to do any of the political stuff, she's going to let him handle that. She's going over there to talk to the first lady about schooling and stuff like that. She's gonna take her mother and one of her daughters. Then Obama is going to go over there and meet with the president and talk about the politics and what is going on over there. Miss Obama needs to keep herself in the White House. She has no business whatsoever traveling around talking to anybody with taxpayers paying for it. And if she does go somewhere, leave mama and the children at home. We don't need to pay for mama's vacation and the children's vacation. If mama wants to go on vacation, and Miss Obama and the children want to go with her, let them pay for it themselves. The taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for it and have anything to do with it. Mama took care of Miss Obama's children when they were little. Well, she don't need mama to take care of them now. Leave her mama at home and stay home herself. If they are so interested in China instead of the United States, why don't he take Miss Obama, her mama and the children and move over there? He don't do nothing here anyway.

Already a done deal

Looks like the city of Sikeston is already made a decision about the new schools according to the paper, no matter what happens at the polls. They should have thought about the new schools before they built the BMU and the police station and then our taxes wouldn't have to be raised. But the city does what it wants anyway.