Monday, April 21, 2014

Put this in your pipe...

This is in response to smoking or chewing tobacco. They are proud of the coach for letting them chew tobacco. That is just the stupidest statement. It is just as bad to chew as it is to smoke. You can get mouth cancer from either one.

Dope is the deal breaker

I'd like to comment about the school bond issue that was voted down. I'd like to say one thing, that the people, some of the folks that were in favor of it, were putting things in the paper that if we had good schools, people would be coming to our town. Let me tell you a little secret. Look on the front page of the April 10 paper, and most all of the papers. Look on there and count the heads of the ones arrested. Seventeen arrested for dope right here in our town. That keeps people out.

And they're off!

Michael Jensen, I was just reading the paper about our Kentucky Derby party. I really don't understand when Sikeston is gonna wake up. In the last part of the article, they want $75 for single tickets, $125 for a double ticket. To me they are just having that party for the elite. When we want to have YMCA or schools or anything else to do good, we want the middle income people. When it comes down to the parties and stuff they will tell you that's to keep out the riffraff. That's not what it is. C'mon Sikeston, the middle income people help carry the load too, so try and help them out. I'd appreciate it Mike if you would print this, but of course I don't think you will.

Community involvement

Mike, I read your article in the paper about the school bond issue in Sikeston being soundly defeated. I noticed that you said you contacted Poplar Bluff to see how they passed their $48 million school proposal and what you learned that they engaged the local residents as far back as three years ago. To my knowledge, the Sikeston officials never engaged anyone except themselves and a professional firm. I suggest to you that if they contact the local community with their input, they can get an issue passed.

Missing bucks

I was at the hospital and someone stole $30 out of my wallet. I would appreciate it if you would call me and let me know who done it.

How do we get to Core?

I just read the letter from the lady here in Sikeston who has a daughter that had some problem with the school system. The lady says to please educate yourself. Where would she suggest we get that information? From Fox News or the bumper stickers on the cars in front of us? That seems to be the only way we can get any facts concerning this matter.