
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Flush out the non-flushers

Why is it that the pavilion/park area bathrooms at the complex are always filthy and unkept? The toilets seem to always be stopped up or broken. Seems that the only focus is on the baseball fields and other areas maintenance are not priority. We finally got a nice walking track and nice playgrounds yet let the restrooms fall apart. Are they waiting on someone to get sick from having to use the bathroom there before they take action? Come on Sikeston.

The restrooms are cleaned Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Unfortunately, we have no control over how some patrons use the facilities between cleanings. When we have problems with stopped up toilets, broken fixtures, and vandalism we try to respond in a timely manner to make repairs. Also, when funding is available we have plans to replace restroom facilities in the Complex. The restrooms near shelters 1-5 are the original structures which were built 40 years ago and need to be replaced.--Jiggs Moore, Parks Division Director

What's it all about?

Can someone explain what the Obama Currency Law is going to be for July 2014?

Behind closed doors

I want to speakout why I feel that Sikeston will never grow and will never be the town it used to be. There's too much dealings going on behind closed doors. Let's start with City Council. Emergency meetings. Let's buy the Bootheel Golf Course, let's get BMU to buy it. And the school board. The same thing with the school calendar, the bond issue. Do they think everybody in town makes hundreds of thousands a year? There's too much going on behind closed doors, just like in Washington. We sit here and gripe about it. We can do something about it. We can't do anything about Washington, but we could do something about Sikeston. We could do it here in town. People have had enough. They could do the City Council meetings in the evening and do everything out in the open. That's the only way you are going to get this town to grow like it should. Too much old money here trying to keep things down. That's just my opinion. I've been a lifelong resident of Sikeston and seriously am thinking about leaving just because of things like that. When the city is putting a man that's been in business for 40 years out of business, they say they need the tax revenue. They are putting three businesses out of the tax revenue, not gaining more. That building that was bought, tax revenue was lost when the city bought that building to tear down at the old Midtown Shopping Center. How much revenue did the school lose alone this year because there are no taxes being paid on that property. The counties lost, the schools lost and the city lost. Does anyone on the City Council think of things like that? Nobody thinks, just too much greed.