Saturday, August 2, 2014

Not fair, not fair at all

I just saw a story on the Breakfast Show that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. This 30-year-old woman has had trouble with her heart since she was 15. She's flatlined. She can't work. She has to have another surgery. She's had gobs of surgeries. She may not survive this surgery. She has been working, wanted to go back to work but can't. She should be able to get disability with no problem. She can't get insurance, Medicaid or anything. They told her she was too young, if she was 15 years older she could probably get it. Now that don't make sense. All these little ol' gals are laying around on their back, they don't get disability, but they get ever friggin' else thing paid. Something is wrong with this picture. Somebody needs to check this out. That is ridiculous. Some of them girls haven't worked a day in their lives, wouldn't kill a snake if it was gonna bite them or their children. Somebody needs to check that out. Everything is free, free, free, but the people that deserve help can't get a friggin' thing. That need to cut out some of these baby factories. This is not fair, not fair at all.