
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

No school, no sports

I just heard where Chaffee and Oran played ball. I cannot understand this. The schools cannot have school when it is slick, but they can have ballgames in the evening. That doesn't make a lot of sense. If kids cannot get on a bus to go to school in the morning, how can they board a bus to go to play sports in the evening? When I went to school, my superintendent said if they could not have school in the day, they could not have sports in the evening. Well, I think like everybody else, the times sure have changed. I think a lot of parents and grandparents would agree.

Better to give than receive

Sorry you felt humiliated. How are we to teach children to be good stewards of what they have? How are we to teach them it is more blessed to give than receive? How are we to teach them to stop to help a stranger in need? The same way our parents taught us, by example. You don't teach children to be leaders by leaving them at home. You take them with you so they can see the difference they are helping to make in this world. I'm sorry but, if you really need the help, do you really care how it gets to you? Forget the humiliation and let the humble acceptance shine through. When you get on your feet pay it forward. Teach your children to pay it forward. Let your light be a lamp unto the feet of those who follow in your steps.

With a little help from my friends

This is to the person that thought it was humiliating for the children to give out Christmas gifts. What's wrong with you? The children are learning that there are people less fortunate than they are. This is their way of helping other people.

King or Trump?

A group of people around Sikeston held a parade on Martin Luther King Day on Main Street at noon to inflict an inconvenience on working people. Just so they could be noticed in their racial suppression and close the racial divide and rename the Main Street Martin Luther King Street. You have had it made for a very long time and still you demand more. These people are very motivated and point the finger at us and declare this in the name of being politically correct. We are being provoked over and over and we're getting tired of it. Good grief, give me a break. If we stooped to your level, we would insist on naming Main Street Trump Drive.