A-State Announces 2017 Fall Graduation List

Friday, February 2, 2018

JONESBORO – Arkansas State University has released the list of students who were awarded diplomas on the undergraduate and graduate levels during the 2017 Fall Commencement ceremony Dec. 9 in the First National Bank Arena on campus.

Chancellor Kelly Damphousse conferred a record 1,474 diplomas during the ceremony. It marked the first commencement at A-State for Damphousse since becoming chancellor.

Graduates from six colleges including Agriculture, Engineering and Technology; Business; Education and Behavioral Science; Liberal Arts and Communication; Nursing and Health Professions; and Sciences and Mathematics received doctorate, bachelor, master, specialist and associate degrees.

From New Madrid County are,

Brooklyn Nicole Montgomery, Associate of Science, A.S. En Route, Gideon; and

Michael Lee Hopkins Jr., Bachelor of Arts, Criminology, Portageville.

From Pemiscot County are, Collin Lee Gilmore, Bachelor of Science, Finance;

Dara J. Still, Master of Science in Education, Special Education Instructional Specialist K-12; Emily N. Vickers-Fruhling, Bachelor of Arts, Sociology; and Jonna Kaye Jones, Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies all from Steele.

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