Speakout Sept. 25

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Missing carriers in East Prairie

I live in East Prairie and I have to tell you, I was so saddened to learn that Jerry and Kathy no longer are paper carriers. They were absolutely the best. And that’s a big best. The world could use more people like those two. Also, I miss Mike Jensen’s editorial. He and I were on the same page, but I’m pleased to know in our local Eagle paper his column is there. I enjoy reading it. God bless and keep America safe.

We agree. Jerry and Kathy are some of the finest carriers and people that we’ve ever come to meet, too. We sadly see them go but understand their health and well being come first.

Show did not impress caller

Well, I watched that “David Makes Man” that they advertised highly last night and I didn’t find anything at all good about it. I couldn’t hardly understand the older kid and the younger kid didn’t act like he hardly knew how to talk. I just don’t know what all the stuff about it is advertised so highly.