
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Finally, illegal gun sales noticed

I am so glad over here in East Prairie, I know I can’t say the company’s name but it was just on TV, KFVS-12 news, sold over 2,500 guns a year. That’s been going on for years when there are only 3,200 people over here in EP. Everybody over here in East Prairie been talking about this here for a long time. We know they been selling illegal guns. Maybe the FBI get involved and shut this place down and show these people that think they so rich over here. They knew what was going on. That’s probably why they be able to buy new vehicles every year and be able to do this and be able to do that. Illegal guns. This has been going on for years and everybody who lives over here in East Prairie has been talking about this. And I hope the FBI cracks down. If not, if somebody gets killed, it’s going to be on the FBI now because they know this place over there in East Prairie been selling illegal guns. They’ve been doing it for years, I mean years.