Speakout 9/20

Thursday, September 20, 2007

No, God did not make people gay, nor were they born gay. They just choose to be gay because they want to be like animals. They just act like animals. All animals act like gay people, too. All I can say is that an animal is an animal.

I want to speak out about how someone said that woman wasn't supposed to rule over man. That is true in church. There is not supposed to be a woman pastor over a man in church. But there is nothing wrong for a woman to be a president. But, the Bible also says that you are not supposed to have anything to do with a liar, extortionist, corrupt, evil, wrongdoing people and not to eat with them. I guess that includes President Bush because he's all of them. He's not a Christian man.

Every time Bush wants money to send to Iraq, a new picture of Bin Laden just happens to appear. It's getting a little old. Also, we got over 300 million Muslims living here in the United States. If they want to blow up something they could do it anytime they wanted to, whether they are over there are over here. The $50 billion Bush wants is not for our people, it's for the Iraqi people. While their young people are going to college and school, our young boys are over there being killed. The war is not worth it. I support our troops, but I do not support the war.

I'm glad somebody brought up the subject of keeping your curbs clean. It just makes your neighborhood look so much nicer if you were to weed eat your curb, weed eat your driveway, clean up the trash in front of your house. It really makes your street look that much more appealing. It doesn't take that much more work.

I was calling in regard to the traffic at the Sikeston Kindergarten. I go out there every afternoon and pick up my child and it's becoming a problem. The traffic is lined up almost to Ingram Road. There are people out there that instead of going down, turning around and coming back as they are going east, they make u-turns in the road. They don't even bother to look in the rearview mirror to see if cars are coming. I saw two almost get hit broadside today for doing that. And other people fly down there like it's a race track or something. This is an accident waiting to happen and somebody needs to do something.

Mr. Blunt you need to stop to all this Medicaid to these women without husbands. Responsibility should be from the Dad, not the taxpayers. This is got out of hand for all those free hand outs to women without husbands. If the man was there to help conceive the child, he needs to be there to help raise the child. Where is he now? I think a lot of the older people should be able to benefit from Medicare. Instead, all the money is going to these young people in Medicaid for men who do not help their kids.

This is to SpeakOut about the To be or not to be, about gay people. I agree with the person that said God don't make junk. If you want to be gay it's your choice. I don't have a problem with gays. But if you are gay and you're grown, keep your hands off the young children. Don't try to turn children your way. I've been through that where my child was tried to be turned that way. Leave the children out of it.

I saw in the paper where Governor Blunt has made several trips this month at the expense of the taxpayers. Must be nice to travel on other people's money. While he is traveling around on our money, we're barely getting by to buy gas to go to work. I don't feel that all this traveling he is doing is helping anybody but the rich people. It sure ain't helping the Medicare people or the middle class people. I don't even think there is middle class anymore. You are either rich or poor today.

Can anyone tell me why the food establishments, restaurants, are not giving out coupons? With the high price of gas we can hardly eat out anymore. It costs too much anymore. From what I understand you have to go online now to get coupons. Not all people have computers. We're still back in the Dark Ages. We haven't moved up to the 21st Century yet. We were wondering why they couldn't hand them out on the food trays so people could save a few bucks.