Letter to the Editor

Your view: Miner matters - Chief's view

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

In response to the letter sent out to the citizens of Miner from the Mayor and City Aldermen I would like to inform the citizens of all the facts involving this matter.

I was hired September 2003 as the full-time fire chief by the former Mayor Frank Tatum. I brought with me 30 years in law enforcement and 24 years in firefighting. When I arrived here I was given more descriptions such as code enforcement, building inspector, flood plains manager, emergency management.

I did not have any prior training on any code enforcement or building inspection at the time I was hired. I was never offered any training for any of these positions; I was expected to learn these jobs.

I have never received or signed any written disciplinary actions.

In response to refusing the part-time fire chief position, I only refused the two-days a week position. I did not refuse the voluntary position.

Not having a full-time fire chief jeopardizes firemen responding to fire calls. Improper leadership could lead to improper handling of an incident. Also not having a full-time fire chief increases the ISO rating for the city. Which is one of the things the business's look at.

Under my leadership all the firemen have many training hours and are Fire Fighter 1 and 2 state certified. I would not for any reason jeopardize the citizens of Miner. I feel the city's business is the citizen's business and I think the citizens do want to know what's going on. I requested a public meeting with the Mayor and aldermen in hopes of resolving this issue in a professional manner. I, nor any of the firemen, want to leave any of their positions.

Miner Fire Chief

Benny Thurston