Speakout 12/20

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Well I've been fed up with these people not wanting to say Merry Christmas to me when I go into a store. I'm tired of this Happy Holiday stuff. I get home today and I open up my mail and here is my Christmas card from George W. Bush. But guess what? He doesn't even say Merry Christmas. He says, "Have a happy Holiday Season." Okay folks, what's wrong with the President?

I would like to say thanks to the two young guys who work at Rent-A-Center. They helped out a friend of mine I know very well on Monday afternoon. May God bless you both and may you both have a very Merry blessed Christmas. I will cherish what you did for the rest of my life. It was so nice and I appreciate it very much. May God bless you both.

I think they should take that ad off TV about Jo Ann Emerson. I don't think she wants to starve nobody, she's not that kind of person and her late husband wasn't that kind of person. I didn't see anybody they showed that looked like they was a starving. I tell you, they're going to have to quit wanting all this free stuff to give to people to get out and buy jewelry and all that stuff they are spending their money for instead of paying their bills. It's time for people to go to work and quit wanting somebody to give something to them. Nobody deserves nothing if they ain't worked and paid something in. They can get out and work just like the rest of us had to. It's a shame when some young person has to get out and work and do for their family and do without when the others have the very best and haven't worked a day in their life.

These people who are dissatisfied with the policies we have in the USA need to get a one way ticket to some country that will satisfy their desires. Such as, they don't believe in prayer and Christmas. We need to pass some kind of law that will permit rounding up all these people and give them the opportunity of leaving the USA and never return. I am 80 years old and I have never seen so much hatred in my lifetime. There have been lots of ups and downs in my life, but I am still thankful to live in a country where we have civilized people. If we can get rid of these people here, we could save billions of dollars by not supporting them. We don't need people like Hillary Clinton and this John Kerry trying to run our country. Please think about it.

This is to the person who called in about the poor, mistreated puppy. Her call should have been made to the police first, then SpeakOut. Thank you.

Hey Mike, I just wanted to comment about the over zealous who have a problem with the phrase Happy Holidays. It kind of reminds me of that ancient proverb that Jesus said Love and respect everyone, unless they believe differently than you. At any rate, that wasn't Jesus' way now was it? It was love everyone and respect everyone. That is all that Happy Holidays is about.