SpeakOut 2/24

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Does anyone notice or even care what your House and Senate are doing? They are getting involved in baseball while working people are doing without healthcare. Children are dying every day from abuse and they are doing nothing about tougher penalties. If you look on their website and look at what goes on everyday you would be sickened. They rename parks, courthouses, thank the gentleman from somewhere for his community work. They prevent good bills going through because they can't add their own agenda to the bill. They don't look at healthcare as not to cause the big insurance companies to stop giving to their campaigns. People stop and look around at what your politicians are not doing. It does not matter, Democrat or Republican. They are in office for the money and benefits. Failure for short term limits leave these senators not caring for you and I. If the public would turn out at elections and vote out the career politicians time and time again, the ones left and the new ones might start doing something for the people. Vote smart. I don' know about you but I'm tired of them caring more about the sex life of a shrimp than our children's future.

I read an article in the Standard Democrat's SpeakOut section dated 1/21 titled "Preaching on Teaching." In it, the author railed on "boo-hooing, belly aching mouthing teacher educators." I have been very disappointed by the hateful attitude of the author toward those who so educate your children. You should be ashamed. I am a parent, who has been fortunate enough to have an educator teach my daughter to read, and made it enjoyable enough to open doors to worlds beyond imagination. It is through the talent and love of teachers that my son has learned to do math and science far beyond my ability, and thus he will have career opportunities that will move him farther in life than his old man. My wife and I are former students, who had the good fortune to encounter outstanding educators, coaches and administrators in the Sikeston Public School system that became mentors and lifelong friends. They challenged us, and we became better than we could have on our own. They gave us discipline, determination and made champions of us. Yes, sometimes they even guided me back to the straight line when I strayed. We will never be able to thank them enough. The teachers in my day were part of a team. Along with our parents they cared for us enough to realize the value a good education would have in the quality of our lives. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort these people put into improving me. Because of them, I qualify for a job that will support my family. Because of them, I am able to read and continue to enjoy learning throughout my lifetime. Because of them, I am able to submit a response to the above mentioned article that is devoid of incomplete sentence fragments. The salaries teachers earn provide them a decent living, but they don't do it for the money. They do it for love. They do it because they enjoy watching the light bulb come on in our eyes. I am sorry that you are unable to see that. And I am not alone. Several former students that I have talked to about your SpeakOut article expressed disappointment with your unprovoked attack on our teachers. It is a shame you were not able to get out of your school experience all that we were. Perhaps if you had, you would not grow old so bitter and spiteful. Perhaps if you had you would be able to team up with your child's teachers in their effort to improve your child's life.