SpeakOut 12-4

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Don't be left out

This is not an attempt to convince, cajole, intimidate, threaten or otherwise. However, if you are still sporting a McCain-Palin sign in your yard or a bumper sticker on your car, it might be in your best financial interest to remove it. In fact, it might be even better if you replace it with an Obama-Biden sticker. If you're someone who might benefit, you don't won't to be left out of the wealth redistribution.

Digging up bones

I think this is great stuff about our history. Do you know if there ever was a cemetery in Morehouse? The only info I have is there used to be a death house down by Little River where people were sent to die if they had T.B. or another fatal illness. Back then when you died, they carried you out back and buried you as quickly as possible so you did not infect any one else. Do you know if this is fact or fiction? If fact, where do I look for more info on it?

Banished by Barack

I disagree with Mike Jensen's view that the inauguration of Barack Obama is not a coronation. Our nation is poised to legally evolve into a virtual absolute monarchy, with Barack Obama being our first in a long line of benevolent kings and queens. If Mr. Jensen continues to publicly object to such a nation-saving development, the king may have to forever banish him from the land.

Ferrell gate

I live about one-half mile from the trailer court (Ferrell's) and I do agree with the caller who said the gates were stupid. Every time I go by there I think how stupid that looks and I would hate to live there.

Prices high at bid

Mike, first of all, I love your columns, and agree with you on most all of them. By way of introduction, I must say that I am a life-long Army soldier (24 years and counting). However, I have difficulty with the recent story re: home heating prices. As your story explained, heating prices will be higher this year compared to last (10 percent), due to the rise in gas prices. Now, my problem. Gas prices are at or approaching record lows for the decade. Your contributer also explained "we bid on contracts in the summer, when prices are at their lowest", and "thankfully, the high prices only lasted a month". Now, come on! Thankfully for who? The suppliers bid on oil/gas when it was at its highest of the season? And when it dropped to its lowest, there's no way to recoup the difference? So, once again, we are stuck paying an exorbitant rate, even though fuel/gas/natural gas prices are half of last year? Please, use your influence and the power of the press to investigate this activity. You are the exact kind of man that can make a difference in our current environment. They have always done this kind of thing to us; you can help put an end to it. Thank you and keep up the great work!

Love, support and respect

Boy, some of you Republicans are really taking your defeat hard, as indicated in part by the curse words and exclamation points showing up in the SpeakOut section. I'd like to tell you to go to your corner and pout. But how about all you patriots out there concern yourself more with the good of the country, which you profess to love so much. Do you only love, support and respect America when it's being run by Republicans?

Oughta be a law

I agree with the person who commented on the Topix Website. It is horrible and I don't think it should be legal for people to be able to slander or bash people and use their name without that person's consent. Something needs to be done about this Website before it gets out of hand and someone seriously gets hurt or something bad happens. Someone is responsible for that Website and they should be forced to fix the problem before it's to late.

If I had a hammer

Give a small boy a hammer and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding. Give a Democrat the Senate, House and presidency and they will find everything they encounter either needs a new federal subsidy, or heavy federal taxation and heavy federal regulation.

Got her Gucci

I was fortunate enough to have an honest person find my purse on the Wal-Mart parking lot; I left it in my basket, (can you imagine?) and they turned it in. They did not leave their name, just said it was a woman. I would like to offer my thanks to this individual.

Ode to Obama

Last night I had a vision of America after Obama's first year in office. And an ode to his government has already been written. Obama is my president, I shall not want. He leadeth me beside still factories. He restoreth my faith in the Republican party. He guideth me unto the path of unemployment. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line, I shall not go hungry. Obama has anointed my income with more taxes. My expenses runneth over my income. Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life. The Democrats and I will live forever in a rented home together. But I am glad I am an American.

He heard every word

I agree with the caller that said God does not make a mistake. Leviticus 18-22 reads: Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is an abomination. And Chapter 20:13, If man lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both have committed an abomination and shall surely be put to death. God is a perfect God, but man makes mistakes. Also, in Noah's day is why God cleansed His earth with a flood. Read your Bible for 80 years, as I have, and serve Him. Christian means Christ like. Walk and talk with Him each and everyday. Please don't ever speak about Him as Obama's so-called reverend and confidante did. God heard Mr. Wright, every word as he was debasing and degrading our heavenly Father. God created us to serve Him, such as teaching a class, helping with activities or the kitchen, singing specials or cleaning. There's much to do in such a short time.