Speakout 12-14

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The fairest of all

We were appalled by the comments of Bill Burlison concerning a sales tax increase. Of all taxes we pay, sales tax is the most fair. Every person then can stand with pride that though not at the top of the pay scale they are helping to make their community a better place to live. If I was being fed and clothed by the State I would feel good that at least I was doing something for all the benefits I was receiving. Our parents taught us the saying "give and it shall be given unto you" and also "remember the widow's mite". God multiplies your blessing when you give but you should give without thought of reward. If I could vote in Sikeston, I would vote for the sales tax increase. I just recently voted for it in my city and I am on fixed income but want the best for the younger ones coming behind. I will be paying your sales tax too every time I come to visit my relatives as I love shopping there.

To gate or not to gate

Thank goodness for the gated community of Kea Lani Court in Benton. After reading a comment from one of the detainees who live there, it's obvious that the gate is designed to keep residents from getting out. One can only hope that it's working.

Bad vibrations

In reply to the article Facing the music, it's not the loudness of the music in the bar, it is the bass vibrations that travel outside the bar to a lot of the surrounding area. We do not want a business to close or ruin anyone's fun, we are just asking for a compromise on the speakers so Miner can party on and the people who want or need their sleep can do so. This way both sides win.

Listing on Ebay

I'm looking for someone who can list items on Ebay. These are quality items and they will be listed for a commission. Please put your number in SpeakOut if you can help me.

I'm a raker

This is in reference to Looking for a raker. My name is Stephen Sloan. Call me at 471-9057.

How much do they give

In response to From the rich to the poor, they suggest that the rich in Sikeston just give to the poor instead of sending it to the government and having it work its way back through multiple layers of bureaucracy. It would be interesting to know how much the people in Sikeston and the surrounding area do give to charities. It would be neat if someone would research that.

Falling prices

In response to Figure it out, as I recall gasoline didn't get to $4 a gallon until the Democrats had been in for a considerable length of time, the Democratic Congress. Also, the reason gasoline is back down below $2 a gallon now is because we are in a deep recession. Remember we have a Democratic Congress. . .

Learned our lesson

God chose George Bush to teach us a lesson. With His choice of Barack Obama, He has signaled that we learned our lesson and that He is proud of us.