Speakout 1-28

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Go home

It seems funny, this old man comes around sticking his nose in where he's not wanted. I don't see why he don't go home. He doesn't have any relatives down around this town.

Enough already

I'll sure be glad when Obama gets to be president. I've never been so tired of every time you turn the TV on, his picture is on and they're telling something about him. I believe they've had 43 presidents besides him. I believe he's been on television and they've told more about him than all the other presidents put together. Maybe when he becomes president he'll work a little and not be on TV so much. They'll still be a telling about him and showing his picture.

Precious presidents

I think Eisenhower and Daddy Bush and Kennedy were the most precious presidents. They all served their country and served it proud in the service. I know Kennedy did a lot of little things that may not have been up to par, but at least he served his country. Some of them were never in service. How do they know about taking care of the country and overseas? Bush wasn't in there, but at least he was in the National Guard. He had respect for the boys in service, he was honest and decent. Maybe he didn't do such a good job, but I think he inherited all that from Clinton. You know, they couldn't have had 9-11 and all that planned and fixed in the short time that he was in. It was planned before Bush ever took president. And when Clinton was in they killed 17 sailors down there and they bombed another thing in the United States but he didn't take no action. Bush did and he stood up for what he believed, no matter how they put him down. You never hardly saw anything good about him in the paper, they was always putting him down. I know the Lord will bless him for what he's done and forgive him for the mistakes he's made. I hope Obama good luck and I hope he makes us a good president, but I have my doubts.