Sunday, May 26, 2013


It is sad to see how many people don't even know what is going on in America. They say either the news doesn't concern them or it's too depressing. One news interviewer went out on the street and spoke to some passers-by. They were asked if they had ever heard of Benghazi, the IRS or the Associated Press scandals. They were even asked who the vice president was. Some were college students. Only one older person could answer any of the questions. People better get their heads out of the sand, be educated and informed of what is going on. It seems like saying 'I don't know' or 'this was never brought to my attention' is an acceptable answer from top government officials. Richard Nixon was forced out of office because members of his team broke into an office and stole some papers. These team members served jail time for something that is not near as serious as the three present scandals. It's going to be interesting to watch how this plays out. No one seems to be held accountable anymore in a corrupted, plagued government. I wonder how much more we haven't found out yet. Members of the Muslim brotherhood now hold key positions in our government. We had better get informed and put people in office who have America at heart and not its overthrow. Some morning we may wake up with the rest of our freedoms gone. Making your voice heard at the polls can make a difference. For it is time to seek the Lord until He comes and rains righteousness upon us.