
Friday, April 11, 2014

Dr. Greed

I want to say something about the doctors. I've got some real good doctors in Sikeston and throughout this area. They always show great respect with me and my family. But what I want to say is that I believe a doctor is a very greedy person. Our Medicare B covers 80 percent of the doctor bill. These doctors want the other 20 percent that Medicare don't cover. We have to pay big, big money for a Medicare supplement to pay that other 20 percent the doctors want. They should be satisfied with the 80 percent of whatever the cost of their service is. Some of us are paying for that supplement and we can't afford it. I think if a doctor was really concerned about their patient, they would accept the 80 percent of what they have coming to them. I wish they would give us break. My supplement insurance goes up every three months. These people that are drawing a welfare check should have to have an examination and have an alcohol, drug and tobacco test. The taxpayers are paying for this. If they are drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs and smoking tobacco, they shouldn't be entitled to a check from the state or the government. Not only that, they spend big bucks for lottery tickets. And now they are trying to make it legal for marijuana, so they will be buying that. It's the taxpayers that are supporting these drug pushers, tobacco and alcohol companies. It would be so simple, just make them take the tests. I believe our politicians are so stupid or they are afraid to try and do anything because they are afraid they might lose a vote the next election.

Don't go against Israel

Evidently our president doesn't have enough sense to know that he better stop insulting Israel. He has called the prime minister a political coward and he's making threats against them because they won't do what he wants them to do. Doesn't he know the Bible says that God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who don't? If you don't think God means it Mr. President, just keep it up. America is suffering and will continue to do so because you have dared to go against Israel more than any other president. You are aiding Israel's enemies.

Going south

In 2013, 41,838 Canadians came to the United States for their medical care because they have socialized medicine like Obamacare that limits and delays treatment. With cancer, to wait for months is deadly. Patients in Canada wait in line for the remaining doctors help after many doctors have retired because of expensive government regulations, they can work at 60 percent cut in pay. Therefore they have many more patients to contend with, allow only 10 minutes per patient. That is what our Obamacare is becoming.