Saturday, April 19, 2014

Guns versus knives

We've had another terrible school incident. This time the choice of weapon was knives, injuring 24. Several required surgery, but all are expected to survive. I wonder how many families would be planning funerals today if the weapon had been a firearm. Think about it.

Got to be another way

I have never called SpeakOut but I felt compelled to say how much I resented the article in your paper on the rejection of the school bond issue. This article seemed to implicate those that voted against this tax were unconcerned about Sikeston's children. This is not the case. Most of Sikeston's residents are middle or lower income people who simply can't afford such a high increase in their taxes. A lot of us live month to month and sometimes it is difficult to just pay the bills and buy groceries and medicine. I applaud the school board for wanting to improve our schools, but please find another way to pay for it instead of putting an unbearable burden of higher taxes on our citizens. Thank you for your venue of letting us speakout.

Is teeing off?

I was just wondering about the Kelly golf team, if they still had the team. I haven't seen any information this year about any of the golf team there at Kelly, if they are still playing or not.

Fred's Salvage Shop

I live in Charleston and was wondering if the city manager was ever going to get around to Hagy, Johnson and Lafayette, and all these other areas here in Charleston, and make them clean these yards up. They've got old vehicles with no tags, fences falling down, trash piled everywhere. These places have not been made to clean up in about three years. They act like they are trying to compete with Fred Sanford. These places need to be made to clean up.