Monday, February 2, 2015

Tricked into submission

Our country is experiencing a silent "coup." Communism's 100-year plan for world domination has enslaved billions of people in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. Muslims have over 1,300 years invaded the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia and Europe looting and killing, now forcing billions to accept sharia law. There are already 3,000 mosques here seeking to take us over. Our president promised change and has been grooming 33 czars to run the various departments of government with strict regulations, fines, and imprisonment for dissenters. They will bypass our Congress and Supreme Court and Constitution. Our culture, rights and freedoms would be gone. No more self-governance, respect for life, liberty and property rights. Hitler's nazism, communism and Islam all gained power by great promises and lying to gain people's trust and trick them into an all-powerful government control and dependency. Venezuela is experiencing that ahead of us with economic collapse, inflation, shortage of food and necessities. People can't revolt when their days are spent in line hoping to feed their families. Wake up America. Pray for God's wisdom and guidance.