SPEAKOUT (471-6636)

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Preach it, sister, preach it

Sometimes I wonder why they just don't take TCT off the TV. The only preacher on there that really preaches about God is John Hagee. The rest of them, anybody else on there is cooking something, selling something or wanting money. That is utterly ridiculous. Most of the women have so much makeup on. You're not supposed to do this, and you're not supposed to do that. They need to follow their own rules. If you help somebody, you don't have to give money to the preachers. If you help someone, that is giving to God. Them preachers just wanna drive them big fancy cars and live in them big fancy houses. God says to go into these countries and spread the word and take nothing for yourself. They might as well be like QVC selling stuff.

Vote against them all

We need a change in our state and the United States. We need to vote against all the Congress, mayors, governors and senators. They are destroying our country. Look how Obama has messed up the United States. I'm not for him, I'm not against him. They are not supposed to get into Christianity, vote against things that are right or wrong. I wonder if Nixon would like to be a police officer in their shoes.

We are also being invaded

The Chaldean and Yazidi Christians have 2,000 years of history in Syria. Their President Assad allowed Christianity. They are now bing pursued, robbed, raped, decapitated and crucified by Muslim jihadists. They are the true refugees and are being denied asylum in the free world (the U.S.). The news media shows thousands of healthy young Muslim men trying to flood into over-crowded Europe. Hungary, Austria and Germany are wise to hold back the invading jihadists among the real refugees. Obama's promise of $500 billion in aid to Iran would support their conquests. Obama has been settling tens of thousands of Muslims in U.S. cities. They would be good voters and can be radicalized in the 3,000 mosques Saudi Arabia has built here. Saudi Arabia has plenty of our money for oil and vast open areas that could be settled by those Muslims and the Palestinians who want Israel's land and Christianity's demise. The free world has the problem of being compassionate, duped then conquered. The Muslims have existed throughout history with lies, trickery and barbaric brute force. We must learn from history or repeat it as victims, the end of freedom for the world. America needs prayer and turning back to God.

No freshmen anymore?

Mike, I have spoke out about many issues on how the world is turned upside down. I was watching a national news program today. This has to be really good confirmation. There is a move on to change and take out of the college vocabulary, "freshmen." They say it's not politically correct. They want freshmen in college to be called first year students. Mike, you have any thoughts?

I like 13th grader!

Get 'r done

I am calling about your Sept. 9, "Regenerator for generator." If you would, I would like them to call Hubb Electric. It would be Stan Hubbard. from East Prairie. 573-270-0220. He can take a look at that generator for them.

Kudos to Carson

Hats off to Ben Carson for saying that we don't want a Muslim president. In fact, we already have one.