Letter to the Editor

SPEAKOUT (471-6636)

Friday, October 9, 2015

He's a soul man

Now our esteemed editor is taking on the Pope, saying, 'We just got poped. Pope Francis is a leftist just like our President. Why didn't he praise our country for all the great works we do, after all we spend so much on the poor? We welcome so many newcomers. And only through the efforts of Americans has medical and technological advances been made.' Mr. Jensen is careful to mention twice, 'Of course the Pope deserves ample respect, the respect of the world.' Well, you can't have it both ways. And by the way, how many souls has he saved? This comes from a Christian, but not one of the Catholic faith.

Same thing, different name

I'm speaking out about the Sikeston R-6 School District and the continued deception they are perpetrating on our community, our kids, parents and taxpayers. They have issued instructions to the teachers to tell the parents and the children they are not doing Common Core at Sikeston Public Schools. That is a blatant lie. They have been instructed to tell people they have adopted the Missouri Learning Standards. That's true, that's the name they have given it. The deception is that the Missouri Learning Standards have adopted original Common Core standards. So the only thing that has changed is the name and this school district is slamming in all of the agenda of the original Common Core. That's the reason our math scores have gone to pot. Morale is terribly low in the district with kids and teachers because of all the chaos being created simply because we have a hard-headed, hard-nosed administrator who insists on instituting this Common Core crap on our community when they know we do not want it. We do not want it! People, you are going to have to speak up or they are going to keep running over you like you are little children. You have rights, you pay taxes. They're your kids. It's your responsibility to stand up now.

Nip it in the bud

Why is the city not enforcing mowing and throwing the grass out in the street on Taylor Street? The grass goes clogs up the drain and the water washes up in our yard and floods my basement. Something needs to be done about this madness.

Rolled right out the door

I saw on the news where this lady carried out a whole buggy full of groceries and didn't pay for them and now they are looking for her. Where were the workers? I thought they got paid to watch stuff like that. If she was pushing her cart out, somebody there should have known that she hadn't paid for it. This don't make sense at all.