Move of DAEOC offices to Sikeston voted down

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

SIKESTON -- A plan to move DAEOC offices to Sikeston is dead following a vote to rejecting financing.

In May, Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation officials were considering building in Sikeston a "Synergy Center" which would house DAEOC's central offices relocated from Portageville, a new Early Head Start program and a new facility for the Head Start program, possibly bringing 90 new jobs to Sikeston.

DAEOC's plans moved in a different direction since then, however, with the most recent plan being, until voted down during a special meeting Nov. 3, to buy a building located next door to the new Early Head Start facility soon to be under construction as a stand-alone facility.

Evans received notification that DAEOC was selected by the Delta Regional Authority for a $200,000 grant for the office relocation project, he said, but the funding was contingent on that particular building, currently a probation and parole office.

"In that meeting, the Board opted not to support acceptance of the DRA grant, making the possibility of moving into that facility no longer viable," Joel Evans, DAEOC's president and chief executive officer, confirmed Monday.

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