
Thursday, November 19, 2015

They're frauds, I say, frauds!

My named is Raymond Louis Ivy. I'm calling in response to the Democrat Advertiser newspaper on Nov. 11 on Page 4 where it says "Group works to stop violence in Charleston." Let me speak on the other side of what's going on over here in Charleston. This unified group they have here to stop the violence, well there's another side to that story. There's 23 people in this picture, 15 are black and eight are white. But 5,947 people in this town. This very same group has me in court now for exercising my first and 14th amendment rights to freely express and video what's going on in this town with this very same corrupted group here. They are threatening cameramen who are exposing what they are doing. Of all 26 of these churches in this town, only 4 or 5 churches are represented. All these people are getting is grant money. There is a police substation at 702 Lion Street in Charleston that has been unoccupied where all the murders, drug deals and violence are happening. Why did they take this picture in front of the courthouse? I have gone to court on a hearing to a judge they appointed to recuse himself and it had to go all the way to Jefferson City to the chief justice of the Supreme Court to get me a judge outside of the 33rd District. These people are not for the people of Charleston. They intimidate anybody that stands up against them. Look at my YouTube videos. This is what they are taking me to court for. They say it's a threat to them and their organization. But yet, there's no criminal charge against me. So hear the other side of the story. God bless you.