NMCC FFA members introduce youngsters to farm safety rules

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

NEW MADRID, Mo. - Kindergarten students had the oportunity to take part in "Farm Safety Day" on Dec. 1 hosted by the New Madrid County Central High Sc hool FFA.

"What we try to do at this event is teach the children farm safety rules (especially as to what not to do) by putting on a puppet show (talking about safety), showing the kids a real tractor, and presenting different stations to them so they can see what could potentially happen," said Maria Turley, FFA reporter.

The FFA members set up several stations for the students. They had the opportunity to learn what would happen if a person were to step into a grain bin and the difficulty of pulling someone out when buried by grain to learn about the importance of safety gear, to watch a demonstration on what would happen if a person were to stick their fingers (or any other body part) into running machinnery; and to see crops that are crown in the Bootheel.

At a coloring station, youngers got a coloring book with all the safety rules that they should know.

"All in all, Farm Safety Day was a success," Turley reported. "The kids really enjoyed it, as well as all of the FFA members that participated. For the kids to be so young, they actually knew a lot about what to do and what not to do."