
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Citizen wants help

Yes, I am single woman. I’m 51 years old and I live alone. I’m a life long resident of Sikeston. As a matter of fact I still live in the same house I was born in 51 years ago on the west end. About a week ago there was another woman like me, I guess who lived alone, a little bit younger than me, that was murdered on Kendall Street in broad daylight and I haven’t heard another word about it since. I myself, being a victim of a home invasion five years ago, which still has yet to come trial and these people out on bail running free all this time, I was wondering if any progress has been made on this homicide or is this killer still running free on the streets of my neighborhood. This is a matter of great concern to me, especially a woman living alone. Could you please give us an update on that homicide. On another note, I would highly suggest Sikeston Public Safety get together some of their younger, energetic, more gung-ho officers, and start a street crime unit and let these guys go out and bust a lot of these people that are pulling these street crimes, the thieving, the robbing, the car jacks, all this stuff that is going on. This could be stopped. They do it in other cities. They get these cars that they leave the keys in it and they sit and watch it and somebody steals it. They let them get a few blocks and they push a button and it sets the car off and they arrest them. Or they take an expensive bicycle and they set it out and they watch it and in minutes somebody steals it and they arrest them. Next thing they know the level of street crime drops dramatically. The west end of this town is in severe need of something like that and I wish Sikeston Public Safety would take a serious look into starting a street crime unit. Thank you very much.

We contacted Sikeston Department of Public Safety, and Assistant Chief James McMillen provided the following response: “I believe the case you are referring to was a crime committed by a significant other. The person was arrested that day and charged. He is currently in custody awaiting prosecution. We do participate in a regional street crimes unit along with Cape Girardeau, Poplar Bluff and Charleston. This program has been effective and the partnerships are beneficial. It may help to know which cases you are specifically talking about. We routinely arrest those who commit crimes, especially more serious ones as we employ more resources to the more significant events. Lastly, we are always in need of the partnership with our community. We simply MUST HAVE people call us and report suspicious activity they witness. Without this, the criminals benefit while the community suffers.”