Members of the Sikeston National Guard post the colors to start the ceremony.Jill Bock, staff
Michael Harris accepts two flags as he enters Monday's event at the Sikeston Field House.Jill Bock, staff
Veterans stand to be recognized as music is played for their division of the Armed Services.Jill Bock, staff
Veterans stand to be recognized as music is played for their division of the Armed Services.Jill Bock, staff
A member of the Marine Corps stands to be recognized as music is played for their division of the Armed Services.Jill Bock, staff
Those in the Navy are recognized at the Veterans Day Program.Jill Bock, staff
Jessie Henry covers his heart as the Pledge of Allegiance is recited.Jill Bock, staff
Retired Col. Jack Jackson with the U.S. Marine Corps addresses the audience.Jill Bock, staff
Members of the audience listen to the guest speaker Col. Jack Jackson.Jill Bock, staff
Students and veterans share a moment during Monday's Veterans Day program.Jill Bock, staff
The audience listens as Steve Taylor, chairman of the Sikeston Veterans Park Committee, speaks.Jill Bock, staff
Students hold the service flags during the ceremony.Jill Bock, staff
Megan Thompson leads the Sikeston High School Orchestra and Band.Jill Bock, staff
Members of the Sikeston High School Orchestra perform.Jill Bock, staff
Tom Austin, a member of VFW Post 3714, presents the program on POWs and MIAs.Jill Bock, staff
Anna Catherine DeHart is pictured during a duet with Steven Seawright.Jill Bock, staff
Many members of the audience received special flags on their way in to Monday's ceremony at the Sikeston Field House.Jill Bock, staff
"Taps" is performed by a member of the Sikeston High School Band at the program's conclusion.Jill Bock, staff
Monday's Veterans Day Ceremony included a performance by the Sikeston High School Choir.Jill Bock, staff
Members of the Sikeston Community Choir joined with Sikeston High School students in the singing of patriotic songs.Jill Bock, staff
Both those currently serving in the military and those who had served were honored. Pictured are members of the Carmack family.Jill Bock, staff
Sikeston honored veterans and those currently serving in the armed services in a special ceremony conducted Nov. 11 at the Sikeston High School Field House.