Tiny Mr. and Miss Soybean (13-23
Girls â 2nd alt. â Rhett
Caroline Watkins â daughter of Clay and Morgan Watkins of Hayti
1st alt. â Millie Ann
Womack â daughter of Mark and Hannah Womack of Portageville
Queen â Gabriella Stacy â daughter
of Kallie Turner and Dakota Stacy of Portageville
Boys â 2nd alt. â Easton
Pikey â son of Sarah Pikey of Portageville
1st alt. â Ace McPhail â
son of Kadie Pipkin and Warren McPhail of Portageville
King â Lincoln Rhett Lyons â son
of Kris and Kayla Lyons of New Madrid
Little Mr. and Miss Soybean (2-3 yrs
Girls â 2nd alt â
Adilyne Smith â daughter of Bo and Anna Smith of Holcomb
1st alt. â Brenna Edgar â
daughter of Dusty and Heather Edgar of Portageville
Queen â Elle Bleu Eftink â
daughter of Jacob and Sabrina Eftink of Portageville
Boys â 2nd alt â Jayce
Fielder â son of Bridgette Fielder and Jacob Summerton of
1st alt â Axel Wade
McPhail â son of Kadie Pipkin and Warren McPhail of Portageville
King â Klay Fowler â son of Tyler
and Kellye Fowler of Portageville
Jr. Mr. and Miss Soybean (4-5 yrs old)
Girls â 2nd alt â London
Rushing â daughter of Anthony and Hannah Rushing of Portageville
1st alt. â Harper Stacy â
daughter of Kallie Turner and Dakota Stacy of Portageville
Queen â Sailor
Tibbett â daughter of Michelle Foster and Adam Tibbett of Piggott.
Boys â 2nd alt â Myles
Austin â son of Bridgette Fielder and Jacob Summerton of
1st alt â Tate Fowler â
son of Tyler and Kellye Fowler of Portageville
King â Griffin
Walker â son of Clay and Morgan Watkins of Hayti
Portageville, Mo. - On Saturday, September 28, the Portageville Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held its annual Soybean Photo and Pageant for children ages 0-5. The event was held in the Portageville Elementary School gymnasium.