October 4, 2019

Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
AJ Hicks, son of Linzy And Clarice Hicks-Van
AJ Hicks, son of Linzy And Clarice Hicks-VanScott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Jaycie Walls, daughter of Lance and Heather Laws
Jaycie Walls, daughter of Lance and Heather LawsScott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Jayden Milam, son of Danny and Arami Taylor and Jason Milam.
Jayden Milam, son of Danny and Arami Taylor and Jason Milam.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Kaitlyn Cooley, daughter of Chris Cooley and Crystal Cooley.
Kaitlyn Cooley, daughter of Chris Cooley and Crystal Cooley.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Kellsie Jones, daughter of Cherity Jones and the late Mike Jones.
Kellsie Jones, daughter of Cherity Jones and the late Mike Jones.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Liz Compere, daughter of John and Janet Compere.
Liz Compere, daughter of John and Janet Compere.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Madison Palmer, daughter of Joshua Palmer Sr., and Joe and Bridgett Brewer.
Madison Palmer, daughter of Joshua Palmer Sr., and Joe and Bridgett Brewer.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Maggie Frakes, daughter of Jamie and Susan Frakes.
Maggie Frakes, daughter of Jamie and Susan Frakes.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Presley Thompson, son of Tim and Gina Crowe, Patrick and Briana Thompson.
Presley Thompson, son of Tim and Gina Crowe, Patrick and Briana Thompson.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Savannah Parchell, daughter of Willie Mae Parchell and Allen Rand.
Savannah Parchell, daughter of Willie Mae Parchell and Allen Rand.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Sofie Angel, daughter of Jose Angel Jr. and Ana Angel.
Sofie Angel, daughter of Jose Angel Jr. and Ana Angel.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Andrea Martin, daughter of Andre T. Martin and Tammi Jo Waldrop
Andrea Martin, daughter of Andre T. Martin and Tammi Jo WaldropScott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Tre Sipes, son of Nathan and Britney Sipes.
Tre Sipes, son of Nathan and Britney Sipes.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Anna Hayes, daughter of Derek and Brittany Hayes.
Anna Hayes, daughter of Derek and Brittany Hayes.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Camryn Spence, daughter of Todd and Joelle Spence.
Camryn Spence, daughter of Todd and Joelle Spence.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Clayton  Kingston, son of Kim and Brian Kingston.
Clayton Kingston, son of Kim and Brian Kingston.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Cody Lewis, son of Ernie and Stacy Lewis.
Cody Lewis, son of Ernie and Stacy Lewis.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Destinee Adams, daughter of April and Gerald Pickering
Destinee Adams, daughter of April and Gerald PickeringScott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Jared Crafton, son of Dustin Crafton and Cabrinna Crafton.
Jared Crafton, son of Dustin Crafton and Cabrinna Crafton.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Jauslyn Johnson, daughter of Delilah and Jerry Linter.
Jauslyn Johnson, daughter of Delilah and Jerry Linter.Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain

Several Portageville athletes from the football team, cheer team and band were honored prior to the Caruthersville football game.
