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The winners in the 6-8 age division for the Young Miss Soybean title, are from left, Laney Benson, first alternate. She is the daughter of Landon and Hayley Benson of Qulin, Mo.; Queen Saylor Dawson Courtois is the daughter of David and Allison Courtois of New Madrid; and Second Alternate is Sophia Kinnard, daughter of Kode and Nick Boatwright of Greenway, Ark. - Scott Seal photoScott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
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Six young ladies vyed for the 9-12 Junior Miss Soybean title. Winners are, from left, Liza Jane Priggel, second alternate. She is the daughter of Joey and Heather Priggel of Portageville. The Queen is Chloe Brown and is the daughter of Kristal Sells from Holcomb. The First Alternate is Anabelle Karafa. She is the daughter of Adam and Kathy Farrenburg of New Madrid, Mo.
-Mary Beth Estes-Thompson photo Scott Seal/Portageville Missourain
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Five contestants competed in the 13-15 age division for the Teen Miss Soybean title. From left are, first alternate Mackena Swilley, daughter of Candace Sutton of Portageville.The Teen Miss Queen is Delayni Smith. She is the daughter of Marinda Walton of Campbell. The Second Alternate is Taylor Campbell. She is the daughter Cynthia Ferguson of Campbell, Mo. -Scott Seal photoScott Seal/Portageville Missourain
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Four contestants eyed for the 2019 Miss Soybean title.
The winners are, from left, Maria Castillo, first alternate, from Senath, Mo. She is the daughter of Edwardo & Maria Castillo. The Queen is Bre Parent of Kennett, Mo. She is the daughter of Angie Jones. The Second Alternate is Mary Hannah Swilley. She is the daughter of Alice and the late Larry Swilley. -Scott Seal photoScott Seal/Portageville Missourain
Portageville, Mo. - The annual soybean queen pageant kicked off the 72nd Annual Soybean Festival Sunday afternoon. Due to inclement weather, the event was moved Main Street to the Portageville Community Building.