New Madrid County Central 2019 High School graduation
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Jill Bock,staff
The New Madrid County Central High School's Class of 2019 took part in commencement ceremonies on the evening of Tuesday, May 14. The 90 members of the class include 56 who will attend two or four-year colleges and universities, five entering the military, 12 who are seeking further technical training, 12 who are already employed along with others who will be self-employed or working with their families. This years's class valedictorians were Sara Broils, Emma Mitchem and Paige Towery.
Sara Broyles accepts her diploma from New Madrid County R-1 School Board President Ryan Eddy.
A graduate pauses to check out the program for Tuesday, May 14, graduation ceremony.
New Madrid County R-1 graduate Emma Mitchem pauses for a photo with Heather Schuerenberg, after receiving the Renaissance Eagle Award. The award is presented annually to a graduate who is selected by the high school faculty.
Graduates enter the gymnasium at the start of the commencement ceremonies. It was a standing-room only event.
Members of the New Madrid County R-1 Class of 2019 clasp hands as they await the start of commencment ceremonies on Tuesday evening.
Graduates listen to the speakers.
The New Madrid County Central High School gymnasium was filled with family and friends for the school's annual commencement program. Following the ceremony there were lots of hugs and smiles.
Family and friends take photos of the graduates after they received their diplomas during the 2019 New Madrid County Central High School graduation.
Graduates saw to final details as they prepared to enter the gymnasium at New Madrid County Central High School for the commencement program including ensuring their medals and other honors were all in place.
A youngster reaches for the tassel on a graduate's hat following the commencement ceremony Tuesday evening.
Members of the New Madrid County Central High School's Singing Eagles perform "Wherever You Go" during the commencement program on Tuesday evening.
Members of the 2019 graduating class at New Madrid County Central High School listen to the speakers during their commencement ceremony on Tusday, May 14.
The New Madrid County Central High School band performs the processional as the class of 2019 enters the gymnasium Tuesday evening for the graduation ceremony.
Dr. Sam Duncan, New Madrid County R-1 School District, shows the graduates a dime he found as they prepared for graduation. Duncan called on the graduates to watch for the small things around them and to enjoy them.
One of the 90 members of the New Madrid County Central High School's 2019 graduating class readies for his march into the gymnasium for the school's graduation ceremony.