New Madrid Elementary American Heart Association Fundraiser
Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Students at New Madrid Elementary watch and cheer as youngsters add just a bit more Silly String on their principal Toni Taylor-Lawfield.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Dr. Sam Duncan, New Madrid County R-1 superintendent, takes a photo of the students at New Madrid Elementary. Duncan was one of five volunteers who was sprayed with Silly String by the top 10 fundraisers for the American Heart Association. The students raised $11,33.45 for the AHA.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Pate Hogan braces for the Silly String coming his way. The top 10 New Madrid Elementary School fundraisers got to spray five "volunteers" with Silly String on March 4.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Pate Hogan expresses his thanks to the students at New Madrid Elementary for setting a school record in fundraising for the American Heart Association. Hogan told the youngsters their efforts help to save lives, including his since he is awaiting a heart transplant.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
B.J. Phillips, Pate Hogan and Tony Heeb undergo a barrage of Silly String as part of the Heart Heroes celebration at New Madrid Elementary School on March 4. The students spent February learning about heart health and raising money for the American Heart Association.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Students at New Madrid Elementary School learned about heart health during Febrary incuding the importance of exercise such as jump roping. As part of the school assembly on March 4, students demonstrated their jump roping skills.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Students at New Madrid Elementary School learned about heart health during Febrary incuding the importance of exercise such as jump roping. As part of the school assembly on March 4, students demonstrated their jump roping skills.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Students at New Madrid Elementary School learned about heart health during Febrary incuding the importance of exercise such as jump roping. As part of the school assembly on March 4, students demonstrated their jump roping skills.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
The Silly String was flying as New Madrid Elementary's Heart Heroes covered New Madrid Elementary principal Toni Lynn Lawfield, superintendent Dr. Sam Duncan and B.J. Phillips, a member of the New Madrid Police Department. The top 10 fundraisers earned the right to Silly String the volunteers.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
The top 10 fundraisers for the American Heart Association at New Madrid Elementary enjoyed their reward of being able to spray Silly String over several volunteers on March 4. The youngsters brought in over $11,000 as part of the fundraising campaign.By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Students at New Madrid Elementary set a school record in their fundraising efforts on behalf of the American Heart Association.