The oldest age group, those ages 9 and 10, were not detered by tall grass as they searched a field next to the Hunter-Dawson State Historic Site's annual egg hunt.
Youngsters moved quickly through the yard at the Hunter-Dawson Historic Site on Saturday, April 8. In less than 20 minutes approximately 1,900 eggs were found by participants in the site's annual egg hunt.
Adalyn Beavers turned her egg basket into an Easter bonnet while waiting for the Hunter-Dawson Historic Site's annual egg hunter to get under way on Saturday, April 8.
Waiting for the Hunter-Dawson Historic Site's egg hunt to get under way on Saturday, April 8, one youngster decided to try her bucket on for size.
The older the egg hunters, the more challenging the hunt, however the tall grass didn't keep one hunter from discovering a prize-filled egg.
Savannah Hunter checks to see what is inside the many eggs she collected during the Hunter-Dawson Historic Site's egg hunt on April 8. The eggs were filled with a variety of candies and small toys. During a drawing following the egg hunt, many youngsters received larger toys and prizes.
Waiting for the Hunter-Dawson Historic Site's egg hunt to get under way on Saturday, April 8, youngsters found another use for their egg baskets by turning them into drums to pound out a rhythm or two.
Prior to the start of the egg hunt at the Hunter-Dawson Historic Site on Saturday, April 8, youngsters perched on the fence in hopes of getting a better look at where the eggs may be hidden.
Children were divided into four age groups to search for eggs at Saturday's Hunter-Dawson Historic Site's egg hunt. Those ages 4 and under were supervised by parents and grandparents as they searched the front lawn for the eggs and the treasures inside.
There were plenty of eggs for all the hunters to find at the Hunter-Dawson Historic Site's annual egg hunt on Saturday, April 8. Youngsters quickly combed the grounds searching for the eggs and in hopes of finding one of the four golden eggs hidden in the grass and even in the trees.
Children were divided into four age groups to search for eggs at Hunter-Dawson Historic Sites egg hunt Saturday, April 8, 2023, in New Madrid.