Larry Romack of the Egypt Mills Antique Tractor Club Team aims to sink a putt on the 9-hole manmade course as his team member looks on.
Bugler Arlie Chronister with the Marine Crops League Detachment 1081 Honor Guard of Cape Girardeau plays "Taps"
The Marine Crops League Detachment 1081 Honor Guard of Cape Girardeau posts the colors during the Avenue of Flags ceremony
Jessica Hartzold of Cape Girardeau uses an air compressor to launch a tennis ball from her team's cannon made of PVC pipes. Also pictured from her team are, from left: caddy Lacey Job of Cape Girardeau, Darrin Beal of New Hamburg, Brandon Job of Cape Girardeau and Zach Arnold of Cape Girardeau.
Jessica Hartzold of Cape Girardeau reacts as her tennis ball is shot from the cannon.