Most people are probably not aware of most of the bills being brought before our elected officials to be voted on. This one in particular I would like you make everyone aware of and hope to get their support in writing letters to Senator Robert Mayer to support Bill SB 429. Here is a copy of the letter I sent.
Dear Senator Mayer,
Please support SB 429 to allow Missouri taxpayers a $100 tax credit if they adopt a dog from an animal shelter.
As a constituent I urge you to support SB 429, which would stimulate canine adoptions by providing taxpayers with a $100 tax credit if they adopt a dog from an animal shelter. Every year thousands of dogs and cats are euthanized in animal shelters across Missouri simply because there aren't enough homes for them all. Compassionate people willing to adopt an animal -- and save a life -- should get a tax break.
The address to send your letter to is: Senator Robert Mayer, State Capitol Building Room 331, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Please help to get this bill passed. It will only take a few minutes to write this short but very important letter. Thank You.
Janet Faulk
Portageville, Mo.