Speakout 3/23
I read your article in the Barker about teenage pregnancy. I don't actually condone that but if these children do go out and do make a mistake they pay for it. If there is such a program of daycare for the teachers in high school I believe it also should be for the children's children as well who attend the high school. If these people are getting credit for education from the daycare to go on to be daycare providers or daycare owners, I think it is a plus for the community. I don't condone it. I don't agree with teenage pregnancy but if an accident then occur then we have to deal with it the best we can and learn to cope.
The exit/entrance to Food Giant on Smith Street is causing a bad, bad problem. People exiting to Smith Street will pull out in front of traffic. I have personally had several close calls. People coming off Main to Food Giant will stop causing traffic to back up past the stop light. There is going to be a serious accident if this entrance is not closed.
I have lived in this town all my life and if there is one thing I have to say about a few places you buy products from, it makes me so mad when they give you the run-around and won't fix what you are paying them for.
I saw where Dan Rather has been dismissed. I'm glad to hear that. He was always on our enemy's side. As Walter Cronkite said the day he left, it was long overdue and I'm sure Walter knew what he was talking about.
In the last year I have been separated, widowed, cheated on and heart-
broken. I'm on a fixed-income. I don't do the bar scene and I don't do care to go church. Are there any functions or places in Sikeston a man like me can go to meet new people? I hope to hear from some of you.
To the person looking for gospel music by Rusty Goodman, call Rick and Dianne Goodman, son and daughter-in-law of Howard and Vestal Goodman, toll-free at 800-717-7773 or visit their Website at www.vestalandfriends.com
Since when have we become a police state. Slowly our freedoms are being taken away from the citizens. You can't make it through a day without breaking a man-made law. Is it greed running this process? Do the police get a commission off each ticket or violation they write? When did it become necessary to suspend a child from school for a bag of grass and then a local police officer get on television and voice what would have been done if the child had been fourteen. I am appalled at their tactics. Is their motto no longer to protect and to serve, but to harass and intimidate? Mike, I know you probably won't print this, but I do believe it is time we speak up. There is no longer any justice in our system.