It gets aggravating when you try to get your paper bill paid each month. I get my paper in the mail and go to look to see if my paper is there. Some days I get one or two and other times I don't get any for the whole week.
Call your post office. We deliver the mail newspapers to the Sikeston Post Office every day, Monday through Saturday.
I live in Morehouse. We had a house that burned last summer and it is still sitting here on Poplar Street. The owners apparently collected the insurance and dug a big 12-foot-deep hole in back of the house. They were going to bury the remains in that hole. The problem is, they have left the hole there and it could be dangerous. I have tried to call everybody I can and can't get any cooperation. I'm scared to death my grandchild or a dog or cat or someone will fall into this hole. Somebody in Morehouse needs to check this out.
To the city manager of Charleston, can you tell me why all the junk has been sitting on the side of Green Street for over a year? I'm not talking about a yard, it's next to the roadway, an old truck, old trailers and everything imaginable. A city employee told me the owner has a permit to do this. How do you get a permit for junk? If you're going to do your job, do it for everybody, not just for a few.
I want to thank the people in Morehouse for their kindness in passing out baskets with fruit and candy for the children and senior citizens. Thank you very much and God bless you all.
This is in response to "Quit complaining" from a so-called pathetic loser. There are many people who provide the taxpayer with many life-sustaining products. I will name two: the pharmacist who provides us with medication and the people who provide us with clean water. They work all year. I think the vast majority of people and many thousands of others, including myself, have never received a subsidy, welfare or any kind of handout, nor would we accept any if it were offered. It's called self-respect. Anyone in this land of plenty with sound mind and body who lives off someone else's labor is a parasite. You are so filled with greed that you are willing to live off the labor of others. So, does the farmer feed the taxpayer, or does the taxpayer feed the farmer?
To the person who thinks he's a weather forecaster, your December forecast wasn't even close.
Here's a direct quote from your Republican President, Mr. Bush, at a year-end conference the other day. He said he was preparing to send to Congress about "an integration policy that helps match any willing employer with any willing employee from Mexico." If you make more than $6 an hour, you can kiss your job, your house and your family goodbye. Thank you, Mr. Bush and thank you, Republicans, for such a fine job for middle-class America.