October 4, 2001

Can you tell me how one would become a Scott County prosecutor. If you can find out and put the answer in SpeakOut, I certainly would appreciate it. 1. Get a law degree and become a lawyer. 2. Get elected. I've been watching the news and the attack at the World Trade Center and Pentagon. ...

Can you tell me how one would become a Scott County prosecutor. If you can find out and put the answer in SpeakOut, I certainly would appreciate it.

1. Get a law degree and become a lawyer. 2. Get elected.

I've been watching the news and the attack at the World Trade Center and Pentagon. I have talked to family members that were in the Korean War and the Vietnam War and some of them who were in Desert Storm. We are all just heartbroken and the only place we could go was to God because we don't understand. They all agreed that this is something that's unseen. It's not a battle that we can walk into or even win, because for the first time, in more than 100 years, they brought the war to our soil and they're here. So we're not fighting the Taliban and we're not fighting bin Ladin. We're fighting someone with a mind and as devious as Hitler, only this one is worse. If they could figure out how to bring a war onto our land. I know that what we've been through since Sept. 11 is very disturbing, but I have to remember of all the bad things we've been through, if anything good has come of it, it's that God is healing our nation.

How come Lowe's came into Sikeston and Wal-Mart is in Sikeston but they're not flying American flags and they're supposed to be patriotic.

You people can get rid of the blackbirds when they migrate together. Why can't you people do something about the squirrels tousling back and forth on our transformers. We have to reset our clocks and all our appliances. It's pretty ridiculous. If you can spend money on migrating birds, why can't you spend money on migrating squirrels?

This is to the person who wanted to know where you could get John Wayne's record at. If you listen to Cousin Karl's radio station (106.1) you would know you can get it here in Sikeston at the Country Music Store in the Factory Outlet Mall.

I wish the religious nuts would stop blaming the United States for the terrorist attack. Saying that we brought this on because we have sinned is ignorant. The God that I believe in would not destroy 7,000 of his children just because he was displeased. I don't believe God works that way.

Some of the music played at the carnival rides is just a disgrace. Our kids have to hear these songs about illicit sex and I don't appreciate it.


I am calling concerning the youth in this area. It's good that we have the carnival because the kids need things to do, but I'm concerned about the music. Some of the lyrics in the music played at the Cotton Carnival is unacceptable for our young people to hear. The children don't need to hear this at all and I hope we can do something about this.
