October 15, 2001

I'm just calling about Baby Zoe. Southeast Missouri is great for making donations and helping. This is another place your money is going to the absolutely beyond the very best place. There was so much an output for people in New York and helping them. ...

~Call 471-6636

I'm just calling about Baby Zoe. Southeast Missouri is great for making donations and helping. This is another place your money is going to the absolutely beyond the very best place. There was so much an output for people in New York and helping them. So much money is being sent there. But stop and take a look at home. Baby Zoe is a precious little girl who has problems. Her dad has been working two jobs for the past few months in order to be able to help do this for his baby. I'd love to see the people in Southeast Missouri get behind this. Let's get behind them and keep our money at home now. Let's give to Baby Zoe and her family. We've given to New York and now let's give it at home. God bless America and may we all give so much of our hearts and our money to help Baby Zoe now through her crisis and help her family. There aren't very many people who would work two jobs and do what he has done in order to help his daughter. Seeing him on television, he looks like he is very, very tired but keeps on going. It looked like it was a real struggle for him. So let's get behind that family and make it a little easier.

I think the government of Israel owes the United States an apology.

I was so proud of way the Bulldogs played against New Madrid and I am really impressed with the sportsmanship of the New Madrid coach. What a wonderful example he set for our young men.

I got my Oct. 15 issue of National Review today and there's a big article about Bill Clinton. It goes on and on and on about what he did to fight terrorism when he was in the White House. When they left the bomb in the World Trade Center that killed all those people, he was president then and didn't do anything about it. When they shot the hole in the USS Cole, he didn't do anything about that. He didn't do anything about anything. All he did while he was in there for eight years was run around and pass out the United States' money. He didn't do anything at all to try to get rid of terrorists. But now he goes on and on about how he could do it when he didn't do anything. Even some of his top aides even said he didn't do anything. So Slick Willie is still alive.

It's pretty sad when the House of Prayer Church has to give their own plug. If anyone had read that in the paper the other day, they would have known they were lying when they said they made an "accidental" phone call. The person said they asked the little girl who she was and where she was and the little girl told her, but at the very end, she said she didn't know who she was talking to. It's a sad situation when someone has to plug their own church.

We called the Rev. Robert Burnes, pastor of the House of Prayer Church. "We don't have to plug our own church. It's God church. The devil is trying so hard to tear us down, but God has to be in it because the devil wouldn't bother if God wasn't in it. We pray so hard for people like you who don't understand that God is real and that he has control of the House of Prayer Church." You can call Burnes at 471-7681 or the church at 472-0406.

In response to some recent Democrat-bashing, I would like to remind readers that Republicans are not the only patriotic, loyal citizens of this country. If Republicans are promoting George W. Bush as being some kind of magic, uniting the people after the terrible tragedy of Sept. 11, it's news to me. No matter who the president is, the people will be united under these circumstances. I think the Republicans should let this country remain united and not try to turn this tragedy into a political gain. I would like to remind George W. followers that their hero did not get the majority of votes in the last election and was basically appointed to the office of President by a conservative Supreme Court. So let's not try to put Bush too high up on the totem pole just yet.

I'd like to SpeakOut about the Taliban. If you're going to bomb them, don't feed them.
