I am calling about the "Change policy next year" article that was in SpeakOut. I had done this once before but I'll say it again. The Little Miss Cotton Carnival has nothing to do with race. It's a little bit hard for a little black girl to have blonde hair and Little Miss Cotton Top is for little blonde-headed kids - not race, cotton top. If you look at cotton to see what color it is, it is not black. Not racist. Get it through your thick skull and quit saying you're very disappointed in Sikeston. It has nothing to do with Sikeston. It's the color of the hair.
I'm calling in regards to the thing that was in SpeakOut about "Change policy next year." The person who called this in needs to make sure they have their facts straight before they call. The little kids contest has not been called "Cotton Top" for the past five or six years. It is now called the Little Mr. and Miss Cotton Carnival and the reason the name was changed was so that blacks and whites could enter it, not only little blonde-headed boys and girls. The caller said there are always just white people who win. If they would keep up with the times, I think last year the little Miss Cotton Carnival was a little black girl and she was a cute little girl, but it was a black girl who won Little Miss Cotton Carnival. Also, we don't just have white judges at the pageant. I watched the pageant and there was a black judge and I believe on that particular night when there was a black judge, all three girls who won were white. So there's no discrimination going on here. I think this person was upset because their child didn't win. Those are the true and correct facts.
This is to the caller who called about the Cotton Top contest. First of all, it's not called the Cotton Top contest anymore. It's called the Little Mr. and Miss Cotton Carnival king and queen. You need to get your facts straight before you start calling the paper and griping about something. For your information, last year, a little black girl did win, so get it together before you make an [expletive] of yourself in the paper.
This is to the person who wanted to change the rules on the Cotton Top contest. I have one question to ask. Do you know what color cotton is? It's white.
First of all, it's not called the Cotton Top contest anymore. It's called Little Mr. and Miss Cotton Carnival. Second of all, if more black kids had filled out the entry form that was in the paper, more would have been entered. So it's not white people's fault that more black kids didn't enter. It's their own fault because they didn't read the paper and they didn't get the entry form out of the paper. Third, how can you even compare the Cotton Top contest with a terrorist attack? You have got to be crazy. Those are two completely different things. Those kids were up there having a great time and they weren't terrorists. My niece won Little Miss Cotton Carnival, so if you've got a problem with that, then I guess you need to talk to me.
Coming from a very wealthy family, George W., never did anyone say to him, "We can't afford that and we're not going to buy it for you." That is what's wrong with George W.
I am very proud of the Sikeston Bulldogs after winning a wonderful game over New Madrid County Central.