August 26, 2004

I am calling about the article, "Back to illegal drug use." The person who said, "Many of us like drugs and rely on drugs to make life more fun, regardless of they're illegal and people do them until they pass out," apparently their person is fried on drugs. ...

I am calling about the article, "Back to illegal drug use." The person who said, "Many of us like drugs and rely on drugs to make life more fun, regardless of they're illegal and people do them until they pass out," apparently their person is fried on drugs. Unless you are a completely boring person, you shouldn't need drugs to make life more fun. This also kills a lot of people out on the roads because people are driving while they are impaired. Impaired drivers kill people. They need to learn a little more responsibility. Apparently this person is a 10-year-old who just found out about drugs and hasn't lived the real life yet. So, get a life.

It's 11:30 a.m. Aug. 19. I was in the left-hand lane at Wal-Mart and a young lady was in a brown car behind me, ready to turn left. As soon as the light turned green, an ambulance and State Trooper car came by. She was so inconsiderate as to honk her horn and tell me to make my left turn. She needs to pay attention to what is going on around her and quit being in such a hurry.


Are the drivers in Sikeston stupid, blind or just don't care? When there are emergency vehicles on the street with sirens on and red lights flashing, the correct procedure is to get out of the way the best you can. On Aug. 19, that was not the case. The emergency personnel were given very little help or respect. I understand that in certain situations, it's hard to get out of the way. But, please. You do not just stop in the middle of the road. Try to get over to the right side of the road as far as possible and stop. As for you, Mrs. Van Driver, when we signaled to get in front of you (because we were in the left lane) so we could get over to the shoulder, did you not take one second and notice the situation? Instead, you got irate and went around us like a race car trying to get to the finish line. What if, one day, you're in the back of an ambulance or your house is the one on fire or you are in a bad wreck? Wouldn't you want the driver of emergency vehicles to have a clear pass? I wish everyone would think about it next time. Show some respect and get out of the way the best that you can.

I calling about the bridge that is going to be built at the 10-Mile Pond in Mississippi County. What a disaster! What do we need with a bridge? What for? Who uses a bridge? This seems like a big waste of money to me. Why not use that money for bridges that are not safe and need to be fixed up and built up to code. They are dangerous and other bridges are used more often. That bridge down there is not used. What do they need a bridge for? They need to work on the roads. They are more dangerous and are just a disaster. I am so disappointed with Mississippi County.

My husband served 16 months in Vietnam and he says that if a person is to believe John Kerry's story about Vietnam and all the Purple Hearts, medals and ribbons he received for five weeks on a riverboat, then he was more decorated than Audie Murphy, who was a World War II hero. We just don't believe his story.


It's hard to believe that Kerry spent four months in Vietnam and won all those Purple Hearts and Silver Star and all those medals and things. I know a boy who spent 20 years in the service and most of it was in Germany. When the war first started, he was 18 years old. He went over there and had five Battle Stars and a Purple Heart. I can't believe Kerry did all that stuff he says he did in Vietnam. I watched Bill Clinton on the Oprah show. Boy, his tongue got awful hot for the lies he was telling because he kept drinking water. I know Bush is trying to do what he thinks is right and they keep running him down on his military record. At least he was in there. A lot of them weren't who are talking about him. John Kerry married a Republican widow, and she's a millionaire from the money her husband made working, where the one she married now never did a day's work.


I am going to boycott Heinz Ketchup. She was married to a Republican and he worked hard to get the millions she's got. Now she's married to a Democrat who's spending the millions the Republican made. He was a worker and Kerry is not.
